Thursday, 6 May 2010


Ive done some research on a street Vandal/artist who is famous for creating public pieces of art. There is a lot of controversy surrounding his 'career' and someone describes ''that Banksy's street art glorifies what is essentially vandalism". I believe that graffiti is a piece of art, and some buildings look more cultural with it on. I do not believe that vandalising on other peoples property is fair, it is bad behaviour. Street artists like this should earn a decent job and be paid to do art on properties. This is so that they will not be referred to as 'criminals' but as artists. People such as Banksy are very gifted creatively, and their art sends messages to people around them. If it keep people out of worse crime trouble then why not allow them to express their creative gifts?

This image is an example of how creative Banksy's artwork is.

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